Maybe off topic, but how do you deal with procrastination / laziness / bad study habits?
I've never had great study habits, but I (somehow) managed to get a bachelor's degree in Archaeology.
Studying history can be very interesting, but then I finally accepted that career options are very limited.
I had a break for two years and found something I was always interested in - something to do with computers... programming! To be specific, PLC programming, proces control/automation etc.
I find playing with programming very fun, though frustrating at times....
but reading the material and doing the homework? I completely lack discipline in it.
What can I do to LOVE homework/ reading 'boring' material?
I know it's a lot to do with my psychology, but I don't know where to start. And I've read about having a calendar and breaking things up like that, but I end up procrastinating anyway.
Anyone experience something similar?
(Btw noopept is good, but I still get distracted by other things on Facebook, reddit, or YouTube a hundred times pr hour.)
I think I'm done with modafinil. It's shit as a noot (it's not one anyway), it's no learning aid (actually makes you duller), even though you have more desire to get stuff done. I went to the docs yesterday, feigning ADHD symptoms, hoping to get some adderall - he referred to me to a psych as it's pretty strict with those things in Oz.
I know that part of the problem is that I'm a generalist, not a specialist. I can read for hours on history, philosophy, business - but in phases. I'm sure if I started an arts degree and was "forced" to study areas that I wasn't interested in at the time, I would still struggle.
I'm yet to try noopept and the racetams (ie *real* noots), but I'm convinced there's not gonna be a quick fix substitute for time management and discipline, good diet and exercise (the latter of which we often slack off from when busy with studies).
Also looking at your boring tasks with a different perspective helps a lot. For example, be happy that you will get smarter, that you will acquire and master a skill/knowledge which is very hard for many people to master it. Be happy and proud about leveling up.
So there are some controls you can put into place that will help you while you develop the mental toughness for delayed gratification. Which is what you really want. You can install plug ins on your browser(s) that will prevent you from visiting specific sites for more than x minutes a day, or not at all due in a time period. Sure there are work arounds, but the timer going off or the block message serve as a quick reminder that you need to focus on something else. Because I am a consultant I have to keep a time record of everything I do, so I use a time me app to keep track of all my activities. I basically touch the timer category as I start a task and touch it again when I finish and then enter notes to remind myself the things I completed. I have timers for non-work things to do I can understand where my time is being spent. One of these is social media, because it can become a time sink. The social media timer also has an alert that goes off after 10 minutes to remind me not to go too far down that rabbit hole. When I have a set of work that requires me to sit down and write code for hours at a time I use a pomodoro timer where I do max 90 minutes of work at a time (usually around 45 mins) and then take a 5 - 25 minute break (also timed) to get up, walk around, get a drink, etc. this helps me naturally break up work into smaller tasks and allows for planned interruptions. It also helps me stay focused on solving the laziness issue at hand, as I tend to want to build a rocket ship when the client asked for a bicycle. Last, active meditation REALLY helps focus. Just 20 minutes a day and after a couple of weeks you will see a difference.
2. Just do it. Just do work. I know. I really do know, man. But the only way to beat procrastination is to not procrastinate. "There is no 'try', 'do'." Seriously though.
I know what you are talking about. I'm 45, was diagnosed with ADD a few years ago and yes feel like a lazy procrastinator. Meditation has helped me a lot (but you have to stick to the daily practice -and it takes weeks before you notice a difference), also self-hypnosis, and a ritalin whenever the to-do list gets long and too boring. I also haven't tried noopept, but I will. I was dissapointed with piracetam (no effect) and aniracetam (made me sleepy). Venlafaxine gives energy, really good nootropic for laziness but many people hate it and it is hellish to come off (for many, not all).
ok I certainly have similar long term laziness. peganum harmala and blue lotus has made a huge difference to my life but has not eliminated ALL of my challenges. That said, I would really like to hear from others with these challenges and to have them try it out daily for a few weeks to see how well it works for others and if it works for some challenges not others or when it works and when it doesnt after I tried wellbutrin , I visitted an endocrynologist who then gave me a prescription and I always prefer naturall sources so then researched the safer replacement to wellbutrin and it is Nymphaea Cerulea or egyptian blue lotus, the biggest obvious effect was / is on my readiness to deal with the outside world and my capacity for actually getting words out of my mouth. simple talking was greatly affected. even after smokin some canabliss, I can still talk.